Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Tarte Flambee Flammekueche

Tarte Flambee Flammekueche

Ingredients: Dough, thick cream, onions, lardon

Prepare a dough wotj 500g of flour, 20 g of bakers yeast, a pinch pf salt, 1 1/2 glasses of tripid water. Roll the dough very thinly into a cingular shape, fold in the edge (1-2cm), garnish with double cream, thinly sliced onions and smoked diced lardon. Salt and pepper to taste. Bake a very hot oven and serve immediately.

We had this for lunch well similar to it. Its a crept thing but the one that we all ate was a crept pizza with cream, cheese and ham. It was really yummy. We had this when when we were at the Strasbourg Christmas Market in France.

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