Monday, February 23, 2009

Not much of a blogger

I am sorry I havent been around that much this month or blogged. I really havent had anything going on just the deployed spouse retreat this month. I know that I havent been a good friend either to everyone and I am sorry. I have had the deployment blues a little bit I am getting better. I am sorry V....I dont want you to think that I am mad at you because I am not. Dont you hate it when you miss phone calls. I missed Chucks phone call today because I was in the shower. :( I hope that he calls me back. blah. :(

Monday, February 16, 2009

DeployedSpouseretreat@Myrtle Beach

This is one of my favorite pics of the sun rising over the ocean yesterday. Isnt it cool.
I had a nice Valentines weekend with my friend Jenn and her kids. We went on the deployed spouse retreat it was for all the wives that had hubbies that are deployed. We had a nice time. There was 80 other wives from the units that are with 3rd brigade. It was nice for me we all had ocean view rooms. It was so peaceful watching the ocean from my room. The chaplins were so nice and so helpful too. They had some helpful classes. We also got free time too and that was fun for me and my friend. My friend and her kids went swimming for awhile. Then we went to Broadway By The Beach and walked around and had dinner at Unos. Then yesterday I woke up and got to see the sun rising around 7. I got some awesome pics. I am glad that my camera did a great job.

Some people asked me about it what you do is ask your rear d chaplins if they do anything for the deployed spouses while the hubbies are gone.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Some Little Updates :)

I know that I havent blogged that much but nothing is really going on with me...

My little cousin Ylaena is doing better now. The doctor released her from the hopsital and said that she has acid reflux syndrom. The doctor gave her some meds and it seems to help her.

Chuck is doing good to. Hes been sending me lots of pics. I think that he sent some of them out. I got a a batch of new ones. I will email them to everyone on Sunday when I get get home.

I am gonna go away this weekend for the deployed spouse retreat with my friend and her kids. We are gonna go to Myrtle beach. It should be fun. It will be nice to hangout and meet new wives from the unit. I will come back and post some pics and tell everyone how the trip was.

Sabrina my cat has been very naughty lately. Last night I thought someone broke in because I heard this bangingin the kitchen. It sounded like things were breaking. Would you believe that my cat was on the counter playing around. It scared the living right out of me. Then this morning when I was chatting with Chuck online I heard that same noise again she was on the counter. My little stinker was. I snapped a pic of her quick. I guess she just likes to get into mischchieve.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009


My little cousin Ylaena is not doing good. Shes only 4 months and has viral pneumonia. Could everyone please keep her in your prayers that she will do better. I am so worried about her. Shes so little. I am really worried about her. I feel so bad for my cousin Nicole. Shes been at the hospital since yesterday with her. Thank you everyone.

Sunday, February 01, 2009

February Dates

There isnt going this much but I still wanted to post. :)

February 1-Superbowl Sunday Cardinals vs Steelers. I am not gonna watch it just the half time show. I am gonna watch I Love Lucy. :)

February 5th CHucks been 2 months I got 10 more months to go.

February 12th-Lincoln's birthday

February 13th-Friday the 13th

February 14th-Happy Valentines Day and my cousins Davids birthday

Feburary 22nd-Washingtons Birthday

February 25th-Ash Wenesday

February 28th-My friend Tonias birthday.