Monday, August 28, 2006

Another Rainy Monday

Yup its another rainy monday here in Germany again. Thats the only thing it been doing the last few weeks is raining. The weather is so cold and gloomy. I just wish the sun would shine here. I was reading that it was in the 90s and sunny where we use to be stationed at.

Chuck came back from the feild today and we went downtown shopping and had dinner at Grimms and had chicken snitzel and french fries. Yummy. Then we walked around. I was on the lookout for winter boots. I hope that I find some soon. I have a feeling that we are gonna have a really cold winter here.

Well I hope that everyone is having a Happy Monday.


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Which picture of Sabrina is cute and funny.

Which picture of Sabrina Kitty is cute and funny. I am gonna enter her in a picture pet contest at the PX. Here our the pics that I was thinking about. Please help me. Thank you.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Hello its Tuesday

There isnt much to update here. I am doing good and so is Sabrina Kitty. Chuck calles me from Graffenowar and tells me how hes doing and hes doing good with his training and gonna be back next week.
Sabrina is still in heat but I think in a few days shes gonna be better and we will both finally get some rest at the house.

Well have a good week everyone,

Sunday, August 20, 2006

What to with my Sabrina..

Yup my cat Sabrina is driving me nuts at night time. I love her but she wont let me sleep that much. She started to wake me up every 2 or 3 hrs to play. I cant shut my bedroom door because she will cry and scratch on my door and wake up my neighbors. I dont want to get in trouble with them Any other suggestions of what to do so I can get some sleep. If you want a good laugh heres a story about last night she was sleeping on Chucks side of the bed and when I rolled over on her side she started to lick her lips and she almost bit me. YIKES. I think I have a little vampire cat living with me. Please help . Thank you.

Happy Sunday,


Thursday, August 17, 2006

Its Thursday again....

I know that I havent been on for a few days to post anything. Well not much is going on with me since Chucks in the feild. My USB Cord plug thing isnt working either and I had some pictures to share. So hopefully I can figure it out. Well my day stunk today because one of my friends stood me up for lunch she went and checked her mail with my other friend and they both never came back until after 3. So I told her what she did was wrong because I was waiting for her all day. I was gonna treat her today. I told her that I hate to be stood up. She said that I can tell that your mad at me. I said I was but now I am okay. One thing that Chuck always loves about me is that I forgive and that I dont hold grudges. Well after talking to Chuck tonight to cheered me up also. Well its night time here in Germany so good night. Talk to all of you soon.


Sunday, August 13, 2006

Some movies that I watched this weekend

Heres some movies that I watched this weekend and what I thought about them..

Failure to Launch-that was a really cute movie it was about a man that still lived with his parents and they want him to move out and get married..

Larry The Cable Guy the Health Inspector-Was a really funny its about this guy thats a health inspector and goes to resturants to make sure that everything is safe there and clean and stuff..Then he has to go and find out who is poisioning the food and making everyone sick. Its a really good movie..

Cheaper By The Dozen 2-was a really cute and funny movie

The Standby Man-Was a scary movie its about a bank robbery and they get a lot of hostages and if what they want isnt met they shoot a hostage.

My Sunday

I didnt do anything spectacular today just cleaned up a little bit and hungout with my friends and we had chicken enchilladas and rice and watched Cheaper By The Dozen 2 and The Standbye man..They were both good movies..Now I am watching Cold Case and hanging out with Sabrina Kitty..I hope that everyone had a good weekend..


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Say a prayer for my Aunt Molly

My mom told me yesterday that my Aunt Molly had to have major surgery on neck and spine it took a couple of hours and then she went to recovery and the doctor said that she might need a breathing machine if her throat to swell up...When my mom called me this morning she said that she was doing okay so far..Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.
Thank you


Friday, August 11, 2006

Friday Shout Out to everyone

I have a had a okay week and I am so happy that its finally Friday...I love the weekends...Well I didnt have much of a interesting day just hungout with my friend Nancy and since shes friends with the girl that lives above me she wants me and that girl to be friends so we went to the Px and Subway for lunch and let me tell you that was to wierd for me..I dont think that girl likes me. She didnt talk to me at all and if anyone knows me I am shy when I first meet you but after I warm up I love to talk..I tried being her friend so I guess we are gonna go to Walmart on Wenesday with her..Wish me luck that she will talk to me because I feel funny hanging out with someone that dosent want me around.. Tonight I am just watching Monk and hanging out with my sweet kitty Sabrina.. Chucks doing good in the feild he made marksmanship what ever that is for shooting guns..He saids that its good but not the greatest that he could do..Have a good day or night wherever you are.


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Cute story

I got to talk to my little cousin Mitchell on the phone he was at my parents house...He said that he missed me and Chuck...He calls him Chuckie.. He said that he was gonna play a game with my mom and he was gonna go to Kindergarden soon...I said thats neat to him he gets to make new friends and he said yup..I said that I missed playing with him and he said I know that.. He said that he made rockets today to with my mom..I said I wanted to come home and make rockets with him and he started to laugh. Hes been my little buddy since he was born.. I read him lots of books at my moms house 3 years ago when Chuck was in Afghanistan. His favorite book was the Hokey Pokey he loved it when I did the movements and bounced up and down with him.. I miss him..Heres a pic of him and me when he was almost 2..Well I am off to bed just wanted to share the cute story of me and Mitchell.


Happy Wenesday

One of my friends made me this of Sabrina and I thought it was cute and wanted to share with all of you....

Monday, August 07, 2006

I went to the Vet today

Hi everyone today I went to the vet to get a distemper shot and a microchip. I didnt like it all but I felt bad for my mommmy because she was more nervous than me. She was afraid that I was gonna run as soon the vet guy took me out of my crate. I didnt run at all I didnt want to get out of it for him. He had to dump me on the table. The first thing he did was weigh me he said that I was 12 pds which is good. Mommy thought I weighed more but I didnt. She was suprized to see that I didnt weigh that much.. Then he took my heart beat and then gave me two shots. I did really good for them I didnt even cry. Well I talked a lot but no crying so mommy was very happy with me. After the nice guy vet was done she asked him how old I was and he didnt know he just said that I was a mature cat. Mommy was like okay when he said that to her. So she wants everyone to guess how old I am. Her and my daddy think I am 2 years old. Then when mommy was paying for my appointment she put me on the floor in the crate and this big doggy was sniffing me and sticking his paw in the crate so I hit him with my paw I didnt like that. Well now we are home and I am really tired because the appointment took up my nap time so I am gonna go and take a nap. I hope that everyone has a Happy Monday.


Sunday, August 06, 2006

Lazy Sunday

Yup it was a lazy Sunday here in Germany for me and Sabrina. Since Chucks in the feild until the end of August we watched tv and played on the computer and I played with Sabrina with her favorite toy the feather. She loves that so we played with that to. I also played on myspace and found some of my old high school friends and chatted with them. Then for dinner tonight I went to my friend Nancys house and she made homeade chicken nuggets, homemade mashed tators and broccoli with cheese. Then we watched the Shaggy dog and had birthday cake for her great danes birthday his name is Saturn. That was my Sunday. I got a busy day tomorrow got to clean and take Miss Sabrina to the vets. Wish me luck because I am kind of nervous taking her. Well I am off so have a great day or night everyone.


Friday, August 04, 2006

My Friday

My friday isnt going as planned. I woke up this morning not feeling good and I had to take Miss Sabrina to the vet but I wouldnt have made it there and felt good while she was working on her. To top it all of Sabrina didnt fit in her carry on bag either. She was to big both ways. Shes gained weight since February. So I canceled her appointment and gonna take her on Monday with my friend Nancy. Wish us luck and that she is well behaved there for her distemper shot and microchip to. I am also gonna go and get her a new carry on bag or crate for big cats tomorrow. My friend also put up curtins up for me here they are. They are a rose color. Well I just wanted to share my day with all of you.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Chucks 6 Year Anniversary in the Army

Today is Chucks 6 Year Anniversary in the Army. I am very proud of him. :) Happy Anniversary Chuck.
