Thursday, May 31, 2007

Had to laugh today

I had to laugh today because I came upon Sabrinas award for funniest picture last year in Hanau Gemany. Everytime I see this picture I just have to laugh because shes such a funny cat.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Some Different Snacks

My friend Elizabeth in NY she told me about a different thing to dip in my salsa besides Tosititos. She told me about wheat thins instead. It sounded healthier to me so I tried today and it was yummy.
My mom told me that a healthy snack to eat to which is good when I was in NY in March. She eats gram crackers with light whip cream and that was yummy to.


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Thank goodness for air conditoners. :))

Today it was in the 90s here in NC. Yuck it was so hot and sticky here. Thank goodness for air conditoners because thats what saved me and Sabrina Kitty from melting. :)) I am not use to the heat it was never to humid in Germany and so hot. I have a feeling that its gonna be a hot summer here.

I had a nice visit wiith my brother and my dad they helped me get a lot stuff done for my house. I have been working on a little bit everyday and hope to get more done soon.

Some poeple wanted to hear about my babysitting adventure on Friday. I had a fun time hanging out with my friend K's children and her 4 Furkids to. She had a 2 and 1 year old and 3 dogs and 1 cat. I had fun hanging out with all them. I played outside with the kids and we had Pizza for dinner. We also played with their toys. They really liked me to which is a good thing.

Oh today I mailed Chuck his first box from me. I should of mailed him one sooner but he didnt care. I just hope that he gets it soon. It has some movies and munchies in it. I still got to get him a phone card and another movie to. I went to the post office today with my neighbor. It was nice of her to show me where it was and her little boy made me laugh. I also mailed picture postcards to foreveryone.

Well tonight there isnt anything going on I am happy so thats a good thing. I am just gonna watch tv and read my book.
Happy Tuesday everyone.



Monday, May 28, 2007

Rearranging my house

Another pic of my living room. Does it look better. My living room set up differently now what do you all think. We have a dining room table yeah its coverd but its gonna be cleaned off this week. My sleeping BeautyThis weekend my brother and my dad came down to visit me. They helped with some boxes and helped me move my furniture around. Does it look better. Dont mind the table because I have to get a shelf for Chucks steins. They will be off at the end of the week. :) Chuck will be happy to know that they arent broke. Them and the beer steins made it to Ft Bragg safely. :P

Happy Memorial Day

Lets remember why we celebrate this day. I dont have anything planned for today just hanging out with Sabrina Kitty. I am gonna work on some stuff around the house start doing my knitting loom.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Happy Anniverssary

Happy Anniversary to Chucks brother Joe and my sil Cassandra today is their first anniversary.



Saturday, May 26, 2007

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to my cousin Melissa she turned 30 today.

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Melissa
Happy Birthday to you

I hope that you have a great day thinking of you girl.



Friday, May 25, 2007

Sabrina on my kitchen counter

Heres some pics of Sabrina on the counter today. I was trying to get some stuff done today in the living room and looked in there and she was walking across my counter. She hasnt been on there since Chucks been home. Shes testing me or thought she was cute. I guess I didnt help when I took her picture up there.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Playing a game

Each person tagged gives 7 random facts about themselves. Those tagged need to write in their blogs the 7 facts as well as the rules of the game. You need to tag 7 others and list their names on your blog. You have to leave those you plan on tagging a note in their comments so they know they have been tagged to read your blog.

1. I love to travel and I was able to travel around Germany and some other countries in Europe.

2. I am a shy person and sometimes it takes me longer to make friends because of that.

3. I am learning to be crafty and trying to crochet and use my knitting loom.

4. I have been married to Chuck for 5 years and going on 6 in November.

5. I have started to read more now that Chucks gone and hoping to find other fun books to read besides Chicken soup for the soul books.

6. I got my Early Childhood Degree and gonna go back to work in the fall as a Sub teacher because they have to many credentials for me and I only got my Associate Degree.

7. This is my second time at Ft Bragg and I still get lost when it comes to finding stuff here.

Well the people that I am gonna tag were already tagged so I will just write their names down but I know they got it already.



A little Thursday hi :)

A little Thursday hi from Ft Bragg.. I havent been up to much this week because I havent been feeling that good. For some reason my allergies have been really bad here. I have a sinus headache and my nose is stuffy. :( I just wish that I would feel better. I got a few boxes unpacked so far. I just wish that I could feel the movitvation to do it. I really got to my bum to do it.

I havent been eating that good since Chuck left either because its so hard to cook for just me and I hate leftovers to. Yeah I ate waffles yesterday because it was easy for me. Does anyone have ideas on what I could eat for dinner so I dont keep the eating the same things. I eat breakfast sometime for dinner because its easy to make. I wouldnt do that if Chuck was here.

I am gonna start working on the knitting loom later that will give me something fun to do I hope.
I am on Cloud9 today Chuck called me even it was the beaping phone I loved hearing his voice. :) He didnt like it but it didnt bother me. Hes at a place where the comunication isnt that good. :( Hes been going through some stuff there to would you all continue to keep him in your thoughts and prayers to be safe. He wants me to send him bug stpray to so I am gonna send him some. I got the little list that he wnts. He would buy it there but there isnt any PXs at the base that hes at.

For MemoriaLD ay weekend my dad and my brother are coming to visit me. They are dropping stuff of that we left at there house. We left 3 trunks there because we mailed them from Germany. We should of got a box to but our friend N and T never mailed it to us. Which is upsetting because it had CHucks backpack in there and our Gluwein glasses and some other stuff. . :( It makes me want to go back there just to get some gluwein glasses. :( The sad thing is that shes in the states now so we are never gonna see that box again. :(

Well I am gonna go have a great day everyone. Its almost the weekend.


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Learning to Loom Knit

A pic of my Sabrina Kitty by the book. :)
Some of the Looms.Here our the books :)
I finally got my books to help me learn how to Loom Knit. I am hoping that I can do good at it. I can make neat hats and scarfs and purses with looms. They have a few different kinds but I only got the circle ones and one of the long ones to. I got a purple hook which is kind of like a crochet hook that I use when I do it. I also though a pic of Sabrina in there because she was laying on the bed when I took the pics. :) My first thing that I am gonna try and make is a hat. Wish me luck. :)

I also found a couple websites for it to help me. :P


Monday, May 21, 2007

Missing My soldier :(

I know that its only the third week but I miss my soldier. I try and keep busy and do stuff around the house but when it comes to night time my house is lonely and I have no body around to talk to. :( I try to find me things to keep me busy but sometimes its just hard not to think. I havent talked to him for a week. I am not sure what hes doing. I know that no news is good news. I just would love to talk to him or get another email from him. I know that when he has time he will.

I found a couple crafty things to keep me busy I am working on my crocheting but hopefully get some more help from Chucks grandma. Shes awesome at it. I need another lesson in it. So I figrued in July I will spend sometime with her and she can can show me again. I am also working my knitting loom to. I am waiting for the books to help me with that.


Sunday, May 20, 2007

Happy Sunday

Happy Sunday today I had a fun day hanging out with my friend Rhonda. We went to the Olive Garden and had soup, salad and breadsticks to. :) I had Ministrone soup very yummy and she had some pasta soup. She said it was okay but she likes the Ministrone soup better. Then we went and saw Shrek 3 and that movie was very cute and made me laugh I needed to see something funny. I have been stressed out lately. Then we went to Walmart and I got some groceries and a toaster to. I even picked out a movie I got Music and Lyrics. Well I ran my foot over there ouch. I bruised it pretty good. Its a funny story how I did it. I will have to share it sometime. I almost ran a couple people over to. I didnt mean to I guess I was in a hurry through the grocery part. Tonight I am watching the 7th Heaven Series Finale. That was my favorite show I wish that it didnt have to go off the air.. :(

Happy 25th Anniversary to my Aunt Julie and my Uncle Jack. We hope that you had a great day.


Saturday, May 19, 2007

Yup my Spider cat

Yup my Spider cat comes again this time she has attacked the blinds again. Even know I opened them up half way for her...She still did because there was a lizard on the outside of the window and she thought it was in the house. My poor cat she so wants to be out side with all the lizards and birds and other furry baby friends but mommy saids no because I am a meanie...


Happy Armed Forces Day

Friday, May 18, 2007

Happy Graduation

Happy Graduation to Chucks cousin Ryan. He graduated today from Broome Community College in Binghamton NY. A big congratulations to you.

Amy and Chuck

Friday is finally here :)

I woke up early today and took a shower and waited for the mailbox guy to come. It wasnt me it was the mailbox. He couldnt even open it. So he sprayed it with this stuff and he also sprayed the inside of it to. He said that it should work for awhile unless we get yucky weather. He told me that everyone calls for help opening up their mailbox. I was still embarrased that he had to do it for me. Why couldnt my housing area give us normal mailboxes instead of walking down the street to have a key mailbox. ugggh.
I am waiting for some books I hope that come today for my knitting looms. I am gonna get the knitting loom and crochet thing figured out before the summer is over with.
I dont have much planned for today just gonna work on some boxes and practice crocheting. I also want to scrapbook but I have to wait until I can find all of my stuff. I also have to find all of my pics to.
Well hope that everyone has a great day today and a great weekend to.


Thursday, May 17, 2007

Some more pics of our inside of our house

Our bedroom dont mnd the boxes they will be unpacked before summer is over with..
Our kitchen its a lot bigger than our Germany kitchen and at least we dont have orange cuboards either we have normal brown normal ones
The Dining room its messy trying to organize it and make room for all of Sabrinas toys..
Our living room its to small for all of our stuff...:(
Here our some pics of our inside of our house with furniture. Dont mind the boxes I will be unpacking them until Christmas or later. I dont have motivation when it comes to unpacking them. :)

Thursday updates

Well Chuck finally emailed me and gave me his address to. :) Then he called me today to and we chatted for awhile. It was great to hear his voice. He requested to have DVDs now to watch. I told him that I will send him what I can. He wants phone cards to because he dosent like using the beaping phones so I am gonna get him some phone cards to. :) He asked for a lot of stuff but I dont care becazuse I love him. :)
Well after being such a dork all week I finally opend the mailbox its kind of funny. You all want to know what I did I was using the wrong key...(Blushing) I even called housing this morning and I forgot to call them back so I will wait until morning and take care of it with them.
Since I didnt sleep good last night because of the wind and stress I am really tired. I hope that I can get some sleep tonight.
On a sad note well it isnt really sad but I am upsett because my microwave died on me. :( I am not sure what happened but I am gonna have to get a new one now.
I hope that everyone had a great day. Talk to you all soon.



Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Happy Hump Day

Happy Hump Day today I didnt do anything today just did some stuff around the house and my sinus were bothering me to. My mom is doing a little bit better she saids . Shes going to the Domenic Republic with her boss next week for vacation. She deserves it and she will get some much needed rest to.

Well I went today for my last attempt to try and get the mailbox open and I couldnt do it. Uggh. So I went and talked to one of my neighbors and got the phone number for maintenace. I ended up talking with them for awhile they were both really nice.

Then I came home and took some Tyelenol allergy meds and passed out on the couch and woke up during the price is right retirement show...Then I talked to my friend and my mom. I also watched the season finale of criminal minds. I love that show but that was a scary one and I am not sure if I should of watched it by myself.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My Spoiled Rotten Cat :P

Shes my guard cat
Trying to sleep
I took this pic of her in Germany reading a magazine shes looking at purses and suitcases.
Showing off for the camera
What are you looking at

Yup I have a spoiled rotten cat shes been naughty since Chuck left. She chases me all over the house, she bites my ankles. Everytime I go in the kitchen she cries and sticks her paws in the pantry and rolls over and tries to open the door because she wants a treat. Yup she knows what that word is and she wants one all the time now. Sometimes I give in and sometimes I dont. It depends on my mood. She ate a creepy crawly thing for me today I was gonna kill it and she did it for me and ate it to. Ewwww not sure why she does that but she does.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Monday Blah Blah Blah

I hate Mondays and my luck seems to stink because Chuck is gone. I was able to open up our mail box last week but it started sticking and wouldnt up on Friday and today when I went down to the mailbox ugggggh it wouldnt open up. So I asked my neighbor she was outside with her kid and she tried but it stuck for her. I am gonna go nuts if I cant open it up. I have checks coming and bills...:( What am I suppose to do if I cant open it up. Chuck never had a hard time with it but I do. :(( My neighbor told me to ask the guy next to me. Um I dont know him and I dont think he will help me anyways. If I cant find someone to help me open it I guess I will go to housing and tell them. I hope that I dont have I to. I am feeling really bad that I cant open it up. :( I am having a horrible day. :(

I hate Mondays...........

Amy :(

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sunny Sunday hi

Happy Sunday everyone today I woke up to my friend Liz she called me and told me that Chuck was online. I got excited and ran out to my computer and turned it on and Chuck and I chatted for a halfhour and then he had to go. He told me that they sent him and his soldiers to the wrong base. So he has to be there for a couple of days and wait for another flight to the right one. Then I took a little cat nap with Sabrina and woke up to her climbing over me. I am not a naping person so I woke up. :) I called my mom to wish her Happy mothers day my dad was making her steak on the yummy. She deserves it. Shes still not feeling good and her back is still hurting to. I hope that she feels better. I guess you can say that I had a boring Sunday. I hate not having someone to talk to besides Sabrina.

HI bloggers can you can help me put a pic in my blog. I cant figure it out and its driving me nuts. Thank you..


Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to my mom, mil and our family and friends that our mommys or furbaby mommies. I hope that you all have a wonderful day. :)

Saturday, May 12, 2007

A Little Saturday Hi

I didnt do to much today I got a few things done around the house. I got some laundry done and the dishes. I tried looking in the box for my toaster but I cant seem to find it. I think on the list of things that I need to get next week I am gonna get me a toaster to.
I got to talk to my friend Naomi online for a little while she kept me company and then I talked to Chuck to. He came online and we chatted for awhile. He made me smile. I miss not having him here with me. I know the months will go fast as long as I stay busy. I have been kind of a hermit this week but hopefully not next week. :)
Yesteday I got to talk to Chuck on the phone he called me. It was great to hear from him. He was still in Kuwait waiting on a plane to you know where. He was still waiting today.
My mom also called me to she had a car accident yesterday some guy hit her side of the car driving home yesterday. He got a ticket because he wasnt paying attention and his car was totaled but her car was just the bumper. She ended up in the hospital because she hurt her back. She got put on some pain medincine and shes really sleepy. She wants to feel better for her trip that shes suppose to take with her friend from work. So I hope that she feels better by the 23rd.
Tonight I am doing that much just watching some tv and gonna try crocheting again. I so want to beable to do it but its making me upsett. Chuck asked me how I was doing with it and I told him that it was making me upset he said just relax and I will beable to do it. So maybe tomorrow I will give it another shot since I have nothing planned but to call my mom.
I hope that everyone is having a great day or night where ever you are.



Pretty Pink :)

This is what some of Chucks soldiers did to him when we were stationed in Gemany. He went and got his helmet from the dock and it was hot pink with Easter bunny stickers. Chuck came home and was really mad. Then I got mad because he was clearing and had to return all of his equipment to CIF and we didnt want to owe any money. Well he spray pained it green and told CIF what happened and they werent mad and told him not to try and fix stuff. So he passed. After he passed we laugh about it now. I guess his soldiers in Germany had to much time on their hands. :P

Friday, May 11, 2007

Happy Friday :P

Being Naughty because I was ignoring her..

Well I didnt do to much this week just worked on a few boxes and I was so happy to beable to talk to Chuck on Wenesday. He hasnt called me since then and hasnt emailed me either. hmmmm waiting for that. I know its only the first week that hes been gone but I have been little stressed since hes been gone. I am trying to get use to a quiet house and Sabrinas been naughty to since hes been gone.
I went out for soup and salad to the Olive Garden with my friend Rhonda and we also saw a movie to on Tuesday afternoon. She cheered me up hanging out with me. :P
My friend Verna also called me yesterday to from Germany and we talked. I miss you buddy. :)
This weekend just gonna figure out Crocheting if its the last thing I do. I am also gonna work on some boxes to and some laundry also. The lawn mower man should be coming to hopefully.
I hope that everyone has a great weekend.


Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Happy Wenesday

It definitely is a better day for me Chuck called me today and said that he was safe and hes in Kuwait and hes doing good. Hes going to be there for a couple days and then hes going to you know where. :( We talked and he told me how to fix the laptop. I am so happy because its working now. I am so dumb its a silly story for what happened but at least its working now. He told me to plug it into the surge protector so I did that now to. So hopefully it stays working. He told me when he gets a address to give to our family and friends. :) He also said what he wanted me to send him next week besides new Pts. He wants a phone card because he hates using the phone that makes beaping noises. He wants a 1G card for his digital camera and a few other things. :p I will get that out when I can.


Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Why do

Why do I always have bad luck when Chuck goes somewhere. Today my laptop stopped working. I feel so bad Chuck bought for me a few weeks ago. He mailed our receit in last week for a rebate so I cant bring it back to Circuit City. I wasnt able to get internet connection so I went to start over again but grrrrrrr it wouldnt and it frozed to. My screen is all black and it wont turn off. All the buttons that are suppose to be blue are and it wont turn off at all. I am gonna go nuts I have pics saved on there. :( Does anyone know anything about computers would you help me out. CHucks gonna be so mad that he paid a lot of money for it and its not working. I didnt do anything to it, I am going nuts here worrying about the dumb computer. I just wish that it work for me. Has that ever happen to anyone else before. Its late here. :((


New York Pics :P

Chuck and Chris taking a nap on my moms couch.
My cousin King he was taking a nap.

My little cousin Danielle shes so cute told her mom that she had to have the pink boots at the store. Shes 2 going on 22. She loves shoes.
My Friend Liz and Chris.
Me and Chuck at Jonathons him and his twin like to sing. I cant carry a tune so I have fun just watching them.

On the top is Chucks twin Chris with a beard, his friend Scott sitting by him and Chuck. We were at the Kareoke bar.
My parents at the Texas Roadhouse.
Our newphew Tony hes my bros cat he shows off to for the camera to. :P
My cousin Bootsy she looks like my Sabrina Kitty and likes to show for cameras to. :P
St Pattys Day at Dennys we wanted to see my cousin Monica there. She sat us at the table.
CHuck and I having fun at the party :
The birthday girl Chucks grandma she turned 80 years old. :
Chucks cousins Ross and Mark Me and Chucks Aunt Nancy at his grandmas 80th birthday and welcome to the states party. :) My little cousin Mitchel with his Harry Potter glasses isnt he a cutie. One of my moms people that she takes care of her name is Robin.
Here our some NY pics I know they are late but we didnt have a computer to download them on when we spent our leave there. We got to see everyone we were happy that we did. We missed our family a lot and our little cousins to. :p I got more pics to share but I will do that later or tomorrow. I love pics.
